YREKA CA 96097

December 6, 2022


Brandon A. Criss, Chair

Supervisor, District 1

Ed Valenzuela, Vice Chair

Supervisor, District 2

Michael N. Kobseff

Supervisor, District 3

Nancy Ogren

Supervisor, District 4

Ray A. Haupt

Supervisor District 5

Angela Davis

County Administrator


Edward J. Kiernan

County Counsel


Laura Bynum

Ex-Officio Clerk to the Board


NOTE: This meeting is being agendized to allow staff and public to participate in the meeting via teleconference.

Conference Call In Number: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 826 6811 8340 or access here:

During the call you may press *9 on your phone to ‘raise your hand’ to ask to speak during the meeting.

(Or follow the alternate digital directions below)

Remote Listening and Public Comment via Teleconference:

Members of the public may appear in person or remotely listen to and participate in the meeting via teleconference, which is encouraged. For those wishing to appear in person, the location of the meeting is Board of Supervisors’ Chambers, 311 Fourth Street, Yreka CA. If you wish to listen or participate in this meeting through teleconference, simply dial into the conference line at 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 826 6811 8340 or access here:

Alternate directions: During the meeting, click on the “Participants” icon at bottom center

of your computer or phone screen, then click the “Raise Hand” button.

The Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors welcomes you to this meeting. This agenda contains a brief general description of each item to be considered. If you wish to speak on an item on the agenda, please complete a Speaker’s Card identifying the item(s) and return it to the Board Clerk. If you wish to speak on a matter that does not appear on the agenda, you may do so during the Public Comment period. Persons speaking during Public Comment will be limited to three minutes, or depending on the number of persons wishing to speak, it may be reduced to allow all members of the public the opportunity to address the Board. Except as otherwise provided by law, no action or discussion shall be taken/conducted on any item not appearing on the agenda. When addressing the Board, please state your name for the record prior to providing your comments. Please address the Board as a whole through the Chair. Comments to individual Supervisors or staff are not permitted.

The Board may take action sitting as the Board of Supervisors and as the governing body of: Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Board, Siskiyou Power Authority, County Service Area 3 Board, County Service Area 4 Board, County Service Area 5 Board, Airport Land Use Commission, and In Home Supportive Services Public Authority.

Availability of Public Records. All public records related to an open session item on this agenda, which are not exempt from disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act, that are distributed to a majority of the legislative body will be available for public inspection at 311 Fourth Street, Room 201, Yreka CA 96097 at the same time that the public records are distributed or made available to the members of the legislative body. All supporting documentation is available for public review in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, located in the Siskiyou County Clerk’s Office, 311 Fourth Street, Room 201, Yreka, CA 96097, during regular business hours, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodations for this meeting should notify the Clerk of the Board’s Office 48 hours prior to the meeting at (530) 842.8084, or toll free at 1.888.854.2000, ext. 8084.


1.            9:00 A.M. - Flag Salute

2.            Invocation - Siskiyou County Sheriff Chaplain.

3.            Roll Call

4.            Departmental Requests

A.            County Administration - Natural Resources

Presentation of an update re the Lower Klamath Hydroelectric Dam Decommissioning Project.

5.            Presentations from the Public

PLEASE NOTEThis time slot is for information from the public.  No action or discussion will be conducted on matters presented at this time.  You will be allowed three (3) minutes for your presentation. The Chair can extend the time to five (5) minutes for appropriate circumstances. Written comments can be presented if so desired, by providing a minimum of 7 copies to the Clerk. When addressing the Board, please state your name for the record prior to providing your comments. Please address the Board as a whole through the Chair. Comments should be limited to matters within the jurisdiction of the Board.

6.            Consent Agenda - The following consent agenda items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They may be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any Board member, staff member, or interested person may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion and consideration.  Approval of a consent item means approval of the recommended motion as specified on the Agenda Worksheet. Public comment for consent agenda items: - Please press *9 to ‘raise your hand’ to ask to speak during the ZOOM/teleconference meeting.

A.            Assessor - Recorder

Approve Joint Power Agreement (JPA) with California County Assessors' Information Technology Authority for a term commencing November 15, 2022.

B.            Auditor

Approve annual certification of Maintenance of Effort for use of Proposition 172 Public Safety Funds.

C.           Cal Fire

Appoint Darryl Laws to the position of County Fire Warden, effective December 6, 2022.

D.           Community Development

Adopt Resolution approving an application for funding and the execution of a grant agreement and any amendments thereto from the 2021-2022 funding year of the state CDBG, in the amount of $853,340 for the Slater Fire Home Replacement Program.

E.            Community Development

Adopt Resolution approving an application for funding and the execution of a grant agreement and any amendments thereto from the 2021-2022 funding year of the State CDBG Program, in the amount of $404,669 for the Woodsmoke Reduction and Heating Replacement Program.

F.            County Administration

Approve request to ratify letter to the United States Forest Service expressing support for the R5 Post-Disturbance Hazardous Tree Management Project - North Zone.

G.           County Administration

Approve letter to Modoc National Forest expressing support for the Medicine Lake Volcano Forest and Fire Restoration Project.

H.           County Administration - Personnel

Adopt Resolution amending the Siskiyou County Salary Schedule and Position Allocation List, re Air Pollution Control Specialist III, effective October 2, 2022; and regarding Animal Shelter Coordinator, Psychiatric Aide I, Psychiatric Aide II, Community Health Worker, Probation Program Coordinator; STAGE Staff Services Analyst I and Transportation Services Worker, effective December 11, 2022.

I.              County Clerk

Approve Addendum One of the Master Service Agreement with CivicPlus, LLC, to modify the billing from quarterly to annually as detailed in the addendum.

J.             County Library

Approve application to the California State Library for the Zip Books Program grant and accept awarded funds, in the amount of $17,753 for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. (Continued from November 1, 2022)

K.            Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division

Approve FY 22/23 Contract with Siskiyou Community Resource Collaborative to provide prevention and outreach services to certain community members within the County, in an amount not to exceed $404,600.

L.            Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division

Approve FY22/23 contract with Etna Police Activity League (PAL) to provide prevention and early intervention mentoring services to youth in the Scott Valley, in an amount not to exceed $94,000.

M.           Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division

Approve FY 22/23 Contract with Happy Camp Community Action, Inc. to provide prevention and early intervention services to at risk populations in an amount not to exceed $103,900.

N.           Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division

Approve FY 22/23 Contract with the Karuk Tribe Housing Authority to provide prevention and early intervention and outreach services to tribal members in an amount not to exceed $73,395.

O.           Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division

Approve FY 22/23 Contract with Lotus Educational Services, Inc. to provide Mental Health First Aid and Suicide Prevention trainings in an amount not to exceed $77,800.

P.            Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division

Approve FY 22/23 Contract with Tiny, Mighty, and Strong Corporation to provide prevention and early intervention services in Butte Valley in an amount not to exceed $144,537.

Q.           Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division

Approve contract with BHC Heritage Oaks Hospital, Inc. to provide 24 hours inpatient psychiatric services to certain patients at the rates specified in exhibit A, for the term July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025.

R.           Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division

Approve letter of agreement with BHC Alhambra Hospital, Inc., and Partnership Health Plan of California to provide emergency placement services as detailed in the agenda item.

S.            Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division

Approve FY 22/23 contract with Youth Empowerment Siskiyou to provide intervention and outreach services to community members, in an amount not to exceed $112,130.

T.            Health and Human Services - Public Health Division

Approve request to purchase one Ritter M11 Tabletop Autoclave with Printer Steam in the amount of $6,075, as a fixed asset/equipment.

U.           Health and Human Services - Social Services Division

Adopt resolution to authorize an application for, and acceptance of, the county allocation award under Round 4 of the Transitional Housing Program and Round 1 of the Housing navigation and Maintenance Program, in a total amount of $200,864.

V.            Probation

Approve FY 22/23 agreement for the placement of juveniles with Tehama County at the rates identified in the agreement.

W.          Sheriff

Approve addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding & Agreement to provide law enforcement services with the City of Dorris increasing the agreement by $219,252 to a total not to exceed $877,008 and extending the term through June 30, 2023.

X.            Sheriff

Adopt Resolution giving authorization to apply for and accept, if awarded, boating safety and enforcement financial aid program funding from the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating, and Waterways in the anticipated amount of $71,489, and authorization to participate in the program for 2023-2024.

Y.            Transfer of Funds

1.         Animal Shelter - $8,000.  Requires 4/5 vote.

2.         Road Department - $2,106. Requires 4/5 vote.

3.         ELC Detection - $6,075.  Requires 4/5 vote.

7.            Public Requests

A.            Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC)

Presentation of a Powerpoint re a Strategic Plan from the Rural County Representatives of California.

8.            Departmental Requests

A.            Community Development/Office of Emergency Services

Discussion, direction and possible action re request to reaffirm continuation of the Proclamation of Local Health Emergency by the County Health Officer associated with the health and safety issues caused by the destruction of structures from the 2022 McKinney, Mill and Mountain wildland fires.

B.            County Administration

Presentation re proposed Youth Art Project for ages 0 - 18 years.

C.           County Administration

Presentation of an update on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) projects and compliance reporting.

D.           County Administration

Discussion, direction and possible action re request to approve a one-time retention bonus in the amount of $500 per eligible employee, using Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) funds.

E.            County Administration - Personnel

Discussion, direction and possible action re Resolutions regarding certain terms and conditions of employment for Confidential employees, Appointed Department Heads, Elected Department Heads and Assistant Department Heads, providing a one-time $500 retention bonus to eligible employees and regarding standby pay for employees in Assistant Department Head classifications, effective December 11, 2022.

F.            County Clerk - Registrar of Voters

Discussion, direction and possible action re appointments In-Lieu of Election to various Special Districts pursuant to Elections Code §10515, for persons who filed declarations of candidacy and other qualified appointees as detailed in the agenda packet. (Continued from November 1, 2022)


9.            Flood Control and Water Conservation District

A.            Public Comment

B.            Consent Agenda

1.         Flood Control District/Natural Resources - Approve property access and data collection and use agreement template to be used for Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) monitoring and data collection needs.

2.         Flood Control District - Adopt Resolution approving application for a grant for the Butte Valley Groundwater Basin under the 2021 Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program SGMA implementation Round 2 grant and designating an authorized representative in the amount of $5,783,800. 

3.         Flood Control District - Adopt Resolution approving application for a grant for the Scott Valley Groundwater Basin under the 2021 Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program SGMA implementation Round 2 grant and designating an authorized representative in the amount of $5,295,800. 

4.         Flood Control District - Adopt Resolution approving application for a grant for the Shasta Valley Groundwater Basin under the 2021 Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program SGMA implementation Round 2 grant and designating an authorized representative in the amount of $7,165,800.   

5.         Flood Control District - Approve request to ratify two letters to the North Coast Resource Partnership and Wildlife Conservation Board expressing support for the Scott River Mountain Meadow Restoration Project.      

C.           Flood Control District

Discussion and possible direction re the Bench and Plaque Donation Policy for installation of benches and plaques around the trail at Lake Siskiyou.

D.           Minute Approval - November 1, 2022

E.            Adjournment

10.         Siskiyou Power Authority

A.            Public Comment

B.            Transfer of Funds - Lake Siskiyou Hydroelectric Project - $6,319.  Requires 4/5 Vote.

C.           Minute Approval - November 1, 2022

D.           Adjournment

11.         Appointments

A.            County Clerk

Appointment of three members to the scheduled vacancies on the Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District, for terms ending November 26, 2026.

B.            County Clerk

Appointment of three members to the scheduled vacancies on the Siskiyou Resource Conservation District, for terms ending November 26, 2026.

C.           County Clerk

Appointment of one member to the scheduled vacancy on the Public Health Solid Waste Hearing Panel, Technical representative, for a term ending December 1, 2026.

12.         Minute Approval

A.            November 1, 2022

B.            November 10, 2022

13.         Public Hearings (Public hearing protocol)

1.           Opening of the hearing by the Chairman;

2.           Reading Order of Presentation into the record;

3.           Presentation of staff report, if any;

4.           Presentation of correspondence, which correspondence may be read, circulated or acknowledged and      made part of the record;

5.           Presentation of reports, arguments, or evidence by staff of other county departments or public agencies;

6.           Proponents arguments and/or evidence;

7.           Opponents arguments and/or evidence;

8.           Public comments (The Board reserves the right to reasonably limit the length of time of individual      comments and/or the total amount of time allotted to public comments.)

9.           Rebuttal by proponents;

10.        Rebuttal by opponents;

11.        Close of hearing;

12.        Discussion by members of the Board, if any;

13.        Entertainment of motion and second;

14.        Discussion of the question;

15.        Decision.

A.            County Administration

Public hearing for the second reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 3 of Title 7 Section 7-3.03 of the Siskiyou County Code regarding the duties and qualifications of the Director of the Department of Public Works. (Continued from November 1, 2022)

B.            Community Development - Planning Division

Public hearing for the first reading of the Kidder Creek Orchard Camp zone change ordinance. (It is anticipated that this item will be continued to December 13, 2022).

C.           Community Development - Planning Division

Continued public hearing for the second reading of an Ordinance reclassifying land in the unincorporated community of Yreka from Prime Agricultural (AG-1) to light industrial (M-M) on APN 013-120-230 and Heavy Industrial (M-H) on APN 013-230-330; Township 36 North, Range 7 West, Section 36, MDB&M, for the Goodwin Zone Change (Z-21-02) and Use Permit (UP-21-06) Projectand adopt Resolution to approve the Goodwin Use Permit (UP-21-06), make all required findings under the California Environmental Quality Act CEQA), including adopting a Mitigate Negative Declaration (MND) and Adopting a Mitigation Monitoring Report Program (MMRP). (Continued from November 1, 2022)

D.           Community Development - Planning Division

Public hearing for the first reading of an ordinance reclassifying land northeast of the City of Weed from Non-Prime Agricultural (AG-2) to Highway Commercial (C-H) on APN's 019-080-060, 019-080-080, and 019-080-090 Township 43 North, Range 3 West, Section 9, MDB&M, for the Hickey Zone Change (Z-22-04) Project.

E.            Community Development - Planning Division

Public hearing for the first reading of an ordinance reclassifying land in the unincorporated area of Fort Jones from Prime Agricultural, 80-acre minimum parcel size (AG-1-B-80) to Rural Residential Agricultural, 40-acre minimum parcel size (R-R-B-40) on APNs: 023-270-110, 023-270-310, 023-270-390, and 024-190-140; Township 43 North, Range 8 and 9 West, Section 25 and 30, MDB&M, for the Blais Zone Change (Z-22-01) project.

F.            Community Development - Planning Division

Public hearing to consider adopting a Resolution to Revoke the Use Permit of Timberhitch Mine, (UP-7931) make all necessary findings required under the Siskiyou County Code and Determine the Project Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

G.           Community Development - Planning Division

Public hearing to consider adopting Resolution approving the draft 2022-2030 Siskiyou County Housing Element.

H.           Community Development - Planning Division

Continued public hearing to consider adopting Resolutions approving the Rescission and Re-entry of existing Williamson Act Contracts and approving the amendments to three existing Agricultural Preserves under Application APA-22-03 for the Woodson Agricultural Preserve Amendment and Williamson Act Contract Rescission and Re-entry project (APA-22-03) for property located near the community of Macdoel, CA. (Continued from November 1, 2022)

I.              Community Development - Planning Division

Public hearing to consider adopting Resolutions approving the Rescission and Re-Entry of Existing Williamson Act Contracts and approving an Amendment to Three Existing Agricultural Preserves under Application APA-21-05 for the Conrads Family Investments Williamson Act Rescission and Re-entry project.

J.             Community Development - Planning Division

Public hearing to consider adopting Resolutions approving the Rescission and Re-Entry of Existing Williamson Act Contracts and approving an Amendment to Two Existing Agricultural Preserves under Application APA-22-07 for the Stephen and Pamela Townley Williamson Act Rescission and Re-entry project.

14.         Closed Session - It is the intent of the Board to meet in closed session to discuss the following items:

A.            Conference with Legal Counsel, Anticipated Litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9 significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(2), one case.

B.            Conference with Legal Counsel, Existing Litigation Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1), name of case:  Shannon M. Spencer, et al., v. County of Siskiyou, et al., Siskiyou County Superior Court Case No. SCCVPT 21-0984.

C.           Conference with legal counsel, existing litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1), name of case:  Kevin Loynachan, et al., v. Darlene Smiley, in her official capacity as a law enforcement officer for Siskiyou County Sheriff's Office, et al., United States District Court, Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division, Case No. 2:22-cv-00841-WBS-JDP.

D.           Conference with legal counsel, existing litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(a), name of case:  In the Matter of the License Surrender Proceedings for the Lower Klamath Project:  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission proceedings:  No P-2082-063 and 14803-001.

E.            Conference with legal counsel, existing litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1), name of case:  Dilevon Lo, et al., v. County of Siskiyou, et al., United States District Court, Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division, Case No. 2:21-cv-00999-KJM-DMC.

F.            Conference with legal counsel, existing litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1), name of case:  Lee Hawj, et al., v. County of Siskiyou, et al., United States District Court, Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division, Case No. 2:22-cv-01978.

G.           Conference with legal counsel, existing litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1), name of case:  Ger Chong Ze Chang, et al., v. County of Siskiyou, et al., United States District Court, Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division, Case No. 2:22-at-00807.

15.         Report on Closed Session

16.         Board and Staff Reports

*******Note:  Correspondence received by the Board of Supervisors is on file and available for review in the County Clerk's Office.  This document and other Board documents are available on-line at